Page 564 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 564
Žnidaršič in Maja Lebeničnik
Aelterman, N., M. Vansteenkiste, H. Van Keer in L. Haerens. 2016. »Changing Te-
achers’ Beliefs Regarding Autonomy Support and Structure: The Role of
Experienced Psychological Need Satisfaction in Teacher Training.« Psycho-
logy of Sport and Exercise 23:64–72.
Brophy, D. R. 1998. »Understanding, Measuring, and Enhancing Individual Cre-
ative Problem-Solving Efforts.« Creativity Research Journal 11 (2): 123–150.
Burke, C., in I. Grosvenor. 2003. The School I’d Like: Children and Young People’s
Reflections on an Education for the 21st Century. London: Routledge.
Deci, E. L., in R. M. Ryan. 1985. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hu-
man Behavior. New York: Plenum.
———. 2000. »The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the
Self-Determination of Behavior.« Psychological Inquiry 11 (4): 227–268.
Deci, E. L., A. J. Schwartz, L. Sheinman in R. M. Ryan. 1981. »An Instrument to As-
sess Adults’ Orientations toward Control Versus Autonomy with Children:
Reflections on Intrinsic Motivation and Perceived Competence.« Journal of
Educational Psychology 73 (5): 642–650.
Deci, E. L., R. J. Vallerand, L. G. Pelletier in R. M. Ryan. 1991. »Motivation and
Education: The Self-Determination Perspective.« Educational Psychologist
26 (3–4): 325–346.
Gillet, N., R. J. Vallerand in M. A. K. Lafrenière. 2012. »Intrinsic and Extrinsic
School Motivation as a Function of Age: The Mediating Role of Autonomy
Support.« Social Psychology of Education 15 (1): 77–95.
Gnambs, T., in B. Hanfstingl. 2016. »The Decline of Academic Motivation During
Adolescence: An Accelerated Longitudinal Cohort Analysis on the Effect of
Psychological Need Satisfaction.« Educational Psychology 36 (9): 1691–1705.
Graham, S., in B. Weiner. 2012. »Motivation: Past, Present, and Future.« V APA
Educational Psychology Handbook, uredili K. R. Harris, S. Graham, T. Urdan,
C. B. McCormick, G. M. Sinatra in J. Sweller, 367–397. Washington, DC: Ame-
rican Psychological Association.
Harter, S. 1981. »A New Self-Report Scale of Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Orientation
in the Classroom: Motivational and Informational Components.« Develop-
mental Psychology 17 (3): 300–312.
Jang, H., J. Reeve in E. L. Deci. 2010. »Engaging Students in Learning Activities: It
Is Not Autonomy Support or Structure but Autonomy Support and Struc-
ture.« Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (3): 588–600.
Kavčič, T., A. Avsec, M. Petrič in G. Zager Kocjan. 2019. Funkcionalni vidiki oseb-
nosti. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
Košir, K., in T. Kos Strašek. 2015. »Kontekstualni dejavniki spodbujanja avtono-
mije učencev pri učiteljih osnovne in srednje šole.« Revija za elementarno
izobraževanje 8 (4): 49–64.
Leroy, N., P. Bressoux, P. Sarrazin in D. Trouilloud. 2007. »Impact of Teachers’ Im-
Aelterman, N., M. Vansteenkiste, H. Van Keer in L. Haerens. 2016. »Changing Te-
achers’ Beliefs Regarding Autonomy Support and Structure: The Role of
Experienced Psychological Need Satisfaction in Teacher Training.« Psycho-
logy of Sport and Exercise 23:64–72.
Brophy, D. R. 1998. »Understanding, Measuring, and Enhancing Individual Cre-
ative Problem-Solving Efforts.« Creativity Research Journal 11 (2): 123–150.
Burke, C., in I. Grosvenor. 2003. The School I’d Like: Children and Young People’s
Reflections on an Education for the 21st Century. London: Routledge.
Deci, E. L., in R. M. Ryan. 1985. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hu-
man Behavior. New York: Plenum.
———. 2000. »The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the
Self-Determination of Behavior.« Psychological Inquiry 11 (4): 227–268.
Deci, E. L., A. J. Schwartz, L. Sheinman in R. M. Ryan. 1981. »An Instrument to As-
sess Adults’ Orientations toward Control Versus Autonomy with Children:
Reflections on Intrinsic Motivation and Perceived Competence.« Journal of
Educational Psychology 73 (5): 642–650.
Deci, E. L., R. J. Vallerand, L. G. Pelletier in R. M. Ryan. 1991. »Motivation and
Education: The Self-Determination Perspective.« Educational Psychologist
26 (3–4): 325–346.
Gillet, N., R. J. Vallerand in M. A. K. Lafrenière. 2012. »Intrinsic and Extrinsic
School Motivation as a Function of Age: The Mediating Role of Autonomy
Support.« Social Psychology of Education 15 (1): 77–95.
Gnambs, T., in B. Hanfstingl. 2016. »The Decline of Academic Motivation During
Adolescence: An Accelerated Longitudinal Cohort Analysis on the Effect of
Psychological Need Satisfaction.« Educational Psychology 36 (9): 1691–1705.
Graham, S., in B. Weiner. 2012. »Motivation: Past, Present, and Future.« V APA
Educational Psychology Handbook, uredili K. R. Harris, S. Graham, T. Urdan,
C. B. McCormick, G. M. Sinatra in J. Sweller, 367–397. Washington, DC: Ame-
rican Psychological Association.
Harter, S. 1981. »A New Self-Report Scale of Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Orientation
in the Classroom: Motivational and Informational Components.« Develop-
mental Psychology 17 (3): 300–312.
Jang, H., J. Reeve in E. L. Deci. 2010. »Engaging Students in Learning Activities: It
Is Not Autonomy Support or Structure but Autonomy Support and Struc-
ture.« Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (3): 588–600.
Kavčič, T., A. Avsec, M. Petrič in G. Zager Kocjan. 2019. Funkcionalni vidiki oseb-
nosti. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
Košir, K., in T. Kos Strašek. 2015. »Kontekstualni dejavniki spodbujanja avtono-
mije učencev pri učiteljih osnovne in srednje šole.« Revija za elementarno
izobraževanje 8 (4): 49–64.
Leroy, N., P. Bressoux, P. Sarrazin in D. Trouilloud. 2007. »Impact of Teachers’ Im-