Page 565 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 565
Zadovoljevanje potrebe po avtonomiji pri učencih osnovne šole
plicit Theories and Perceived Pressures on the Establishment of an Auto-
nomy Supportive Climate.« European Journal of Psychology of Education 22
(4): 529–545.
Niemiec, C. P., in R. M. Ryan. 2009. »Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness
in the Classroom.« Theory and Research in Education 7 (2): 133–144.
Reeve, J. 1998. »Autonomy Support as an Interpersonal Motivating Style: Is It
Teachable?« Contemporary Educational Psychology 23 (3): 312–330.
———. 2009. »Why Teachers Adopt a Controlling Motivating Style toward Stu-
dents and How They Can Become More Autonomy Supportive.« Educatio-
nal Psychologist 44 (3): 159–175.
Reeve, J., in H. Jang. 2006. »What Teachers Say and Do to Support Students’
Autonomy during a Learning Activity.« Journal of Educational Psychology
98 (1): 209–218.
Reeve, J., E. L. Deci in R. M. Ryan. 2004. »Self-Determination Theory: A Dialec-
tical Framework for Understanding Socio-Cultural Influences on Student
Motivation.« V Big Theories Revisited, uredili D. M. Mclnerney in S. Van Etten,
31–60. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.
Ryan, A. M., H. Patrick, S. S. Shim in J. Sandoval. 2016. »Differential Profiles of Te-
achers’ Autonomy Support in Relation to Students’ Engagement and Achi-
evement.« Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (3): 353–366.
Ryan, R. M. 1982. »Control and Information in the Intrapersonal Sphere: An
Extension of Cognitive Evaluation Theory.« Journal of Personality and So-
cial Psychology 43 (3): 450–461.
Ryan, R. M., in J. P. Connell. 1989. »Perceived Locus of Causality and Internaliza-
tion: Examining Reasons for Acting in Two Domains.« Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 57 (5): 749–761.
Ryan, R. M., in E. L. Deci. 2002. »Overview of Self-Determination Theory: An
Organismic-Dialectical Perspective.« V Handbook of Self-Determination Re-
search, uredila E. L. Deci in R. M. Ryan, 3–33. Rochester, NY: University of
Rochester Press.
Stefanou, C. R., K. C. Perencevich, M. DiCintio in J. C. Turner. 2004. »Supporting
Autonomy in the Classroom: Ways Teachers Encourage Student Decision
Making and Ownership.« Educational Psychologist 39 (2): 97–110.
Vansteenkiste, M., J. Simons, W. Lens, B. Soenens in L. Matos. 2005. »Exami-
ning the Motivational Impact of Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Goal Framing and
Autonomy-Supportive versus Internally Controlling Communication Style
on Early Adolescents’ Academic Achievement.« Child Development 76 (2):
Satisfying the Need for Autonomy in Primary School Pupils
The need for autonomy refers to an individual’s fundamental psychological
need for a sense of control, power, and choice in their life. According to the
plicit Theories and Perceived Pressures on the Establishment of an Auto-
nomy Supportive Climate.« European Journal of Psychology of Education 22
(4): 529–545.
Niemiec, C. P., in R. M. Ryan. 2009. »Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness
in the Classroom.« Theory and Research in Education 7 (2): 133–144.
Reeve, J. 1998. »Autonomy Support as an Interpersonal Motivating Style: Is It
Teachable?« Contemporary Educational Psychology 23 (3): 312–330.
———. 2009. »Why Teachers Adopt a Controlling Motivating Style toward Stu-
dents and How They Can Become More Autonomy Supportive.« Educatio-
nal Psychologist 44 (3): 159–175.
Reeve, J., in H. Jang. 2006. »What Teachers Say and Do to Support Students’
Autonomy during a Learning Activity.« Journal of Educational Psychology
98 (1): 209–218.
Reeve, J., E. L. Deci in R. M. Ryan. 2004. »Self-Determination Theory: A Dialec-
tical Framework for Understanding Socio-Cultural Influences on Student
Motivation.« V Big Theories Revisited, uredili D. M. Mclnerney in S. Van Etten,
31–60. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.
Ryan, A. M., H. Patrick, S. S. Shim in J. Sandoval. 2016. »Differential Profiles of Te-
achers’ Autonomy Support in Relation to Students’ Engagement and Achi-
evement.« Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (3): 353–366.
Ryan, R. M. 1982. »Control and Information in the Intrapersonal Sphere: An
Extension of Cognitive Evaluation Theory.« Journal of Personality and So-
cial Psychology 43 (3): 450–461.
Ryan, R. M., in J. P. Connell. 1989. »Perceived Locus of Causality and Internaliza-
tion: Examining Reasons for Acting in Two Domains.« Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 57 (5): 749–761.
Ryan, R. M., in E. L. Deci. 2002. »Overview of Self-Determination Theory: An
Organismic-Dialectical Perspective.« V Handbook of Self-Determination Re-
search, uredila E. L. Deci in R. M. Ryan, 3–33. Rochester, NY: University of
Rochester Press.
Stefanou, C. R., K. C. Perencevich, M. DiCintio in J. C. Turner. 2004. »Supporting
Autonomy in the Classroom: Ways Teachers Encourage Student Decision
Making and Ownership.« Educational Psychologist 39 (2): 97–110.
Vansteenkiste, M., J. Simons, W. Lens, B. Soenens in L. Matos. 2005. »Exami-
ning the Motivational Impact of Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Goal Framing and
Autonomy-Supportive versus Internally Controlling Communication Style
on Early Adolescents’ Academic Achievement.« Child Development 76 (2):
Satisfying the Need for Autonomy in Primary School Pupils
The need for autonomy refers to an individual’s fundamental psychological
need for a sense of control, power, and choice in their life. According to the