Page 308 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 308

Irena Hergan, Katrin Sevšek in Alenka Polak

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                       First Grade Pupils’ Independence in Schoolwork
                       The development of independence is an important part of a child’s develop-
                       ment; it contributes to their self-esteem, self-image and identity. In this paper,
                       we present the results of an empirical study with a sample of 118 parents of
                       first grade pupils and 19 teachers. We were interested in their views on chil-
                       dren’s/pupils’ independence regarding their school work, both at home and
                       at school. The results showed that first grade pupils are not fully independent
                       in their schoolwork at home, while their teachers consider them fully inde-
                       pendent in their schoolwork at school. First grade pupils from rural areas are
                       slightly more independent than pupils from urban areas. Teachers are more
                       likely than parents to believe that parents play a key role in the development
                       of a child’s independence, but do not attach as much importance as parents
                       to the role of school in the development of pupils’ independence. It is impor-
                       tant to systematically develop pupils’ independence right from the pre-school
                       period, and at all levels of schooling.
                       Keywords: independence, first-grade pupils, parents, teachers, primary school

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