Page 419 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 419
Refleksija o inkluzivni pedagogiki in zretje v prihodnost
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Reflection on the Key Points of Inclusive Pedagogy
andLookingtothe Future
Over the last half century, we have embarked on the path of inclusive ped-
agogical theory and practice. This was a logical response to the problematic
effects of special pedagogy, which initially showed promise with the special
pedagogical skills of experts and special accommodations for students with
special needs. Since learning and teaching is not only an educational process,
but also a socio-educational and humanistic process, special placement of stu-
dents in segregated groups have shown a number of problems in neglect
of these young people, their poor social integration ability and the resulting
problems in professional integration. Inclusive education came onto the scene