Page 468 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 468
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Folklore as a Factor in the Formation of National Consciousness
in Primary School
This paper examines the teacher’s view on forming pupils’ national conscious-
ness through folklore engagement in a primary school. We have given spe-
cial attention to folklore as an integral part of cultural heritage in primary
school. The results of the empirical study are based on the semi-structured in-
terviews conducted among primary school teachers who were the leaders of
folklore groups. The results show that folk tradition is often implemented in
social studies, environmental studies, geography, Slovene, sports, music and
history. Nevertheless, implementing the aforementioned content regarding
folklore depends mainly on teachers’ self-initiative. The teachers’ interviews
show that folklore is an important activity that encourages and develops chil-
dren’s national consciousness. The teachers emphasised that school folklore
contributes significantly to the students’ greater interest in the social envi-
ronment, national belonging and recognising differences between nations.
Although folklore is partly already present in the primary school curriculum,
as an independent school subject.
Keywords: folklore, cultural heritage, folk traditions, national consciousness,
primary school curriculum