Page 99 - Učilnica za življenje
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Z medinstitucionalnim povezovanjem vzgajamo proaktivne posameznike
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valni center Ljubljana, Gimnazija in veterinarska šola.
Through Inter-Institutional Cooperation, We Nurture Proactive
Individuals and Enhance the Complexity and Understanding
of Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
In the biotechnical high school program, students are connected with special-
ized laboratories for the purpose of inter-institutional cooperation, through
which proactive generations are educated and empowered. These individu-
als are enabled to understand the interdisciplinarity of natural sciences and
their role in both social and natural environments. This learning process is ex-
perienced by students as an opportunity to acquire additional and up-to-date
knowledge, to develop a broader spectrum of laboratory skills, and to gain
modern competencies in natural sciences, technology, mathematics, environ-
mental literacy, and digital literacy. Through this method of work, learning
and work in school laboratories are enhanced. Data from the field is gathered
by students, new laboratory techniques are introduced, participation in infor-
mation retrieval from various sources is encouraged, and useful applications
are selected, thereby actively enriching their knowledge in biology, chemistry,
physics, mathematics, microbiology, and biotechnology. The purposeful use