Page 56 - Čuš, Alenka, et al. ur. (2018). Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 56
družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kultur ah ...

Theatre at Cultural Junctures
Slovensko stalno gledališče in Trieste in the period after World
War II – the performances, relations, its state and fate
Theatre activity in Trieste has a long history. The first known per-
formance by the Slavljansko Society dates back to 1848, but pro-
fessional organizations originated with the establishment of the
Dramatic Society in 1902. Theatre production was violently inter-
rupted by the burning of the Narodni dom (1920) and not re-es-
tablished until the end of 1945. The Slovene Theatre in Trieste has
made a vital contribution to the national identity and to the de-
velopment of performance practices in the region and beyond.
In this article, we investigate the period after the Second World
War, which was a significant time because of its aesthetic and ar-
tistic approaches. The theatre repertoire is a form of reception
that shows how modern or up-to-date a theater is and its pro-
file in terms of its artistic or aesthetic expression. We will analyse
the repertoire of the SSG Trieste, comparing it with the National
Theatre (SNG Drama) in Ljubljana and the analysis will present
the state of mind on both sides of the border, namely, the differ-
ences between the two theatres. Theatre that works for the en-
tire Slovene minority in Italy is turning to his audience by staging
works that deal with the problem of minorities and question these
problems with the language of the theatre. Theatre in Trieste –
theatre at a cultural juncture – is a case study of the relationship
between central area and periphery, majority and minority, the
west and the east and with these relations we can foresee the syn-
thesis of the history of Slovenian performing arts.
Key words: Slovensko stalno gledališče Trst, triestinità, West
European playwrights, cultural junctures

Zgodovinski oris

Do leta 1945 so v slovenski zgodovini zapisana tri narodna gledališča:
Ljubljana (1867, 1892, 1918),1 Trst (1902) in Maribor (1909). Zgodovina slo-

1 Leta 1867 je bilo ustanovljeno Dramatično društvo, kar štejemo za začetke delovan-
ja slovenskega narodnega gledališča v Ljubljani. Sicer je bilo (z uradnim nazivom)
Narodno gledališče v Ljubljani ustanovljeno leta 1918, pred njim (od 1892) deluje kot
Deželno gledališče, v letu 1919 se preimenuje v Kraljevsko slovensko gledališče Lju-
bljana in od 1920 ponovno v Narodno gledališče v Ljubljani.

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