Page 224 - Kaluža, Vojko, in Štefan Bojnec. 2019. Človeški kapital, organizacijska klima in uspešnost poslovanja turističnih agencij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 224
travel agencies. By legal status, most of them are limited liability compa-
nies. Travel agencies/branch offices are mostly involved in selling their
own travel arrangements. The number of employees is mostly up to 5
employees and less frequently more than 250 employees. In terms of mar-
ket coverage (domestic vs. foreign market), the majority of respondents
answered that their coverage was on the domestic and foreign market,
and the least that it was coverage on the foreign market only. Depending
on the activity (outbound/outgoing tourism, inbound/incoming touri-
sm) and the citizenship of the guests, they mostly deal with both outbou-
nd/outgoing and inbound/incoming tourism.

With regard to human capital, the respondents answered according
to the degree of agreement with the written statements for each studi-
ed dimension, where they attributed the most and the least importance
224 to an individual variable: in acquiring knowledge, they use the Internet
the most, cooperate with external research institutions the least; when
storing knowledge, as the most they storage knowledge (they have an ar-
chive) about the execution and content of work processes, while the least
they keep records about their creation, development and vision of opera-
tion; in the transfer of knowledge, the greatest importance is attached to
the well-being in the travel agency/branch offices, which has a positive im-
pact on the transfer of knowledge, and, least often, employees hide their
knowledge from colleagues because they believe that this increases their
competitive advantage over them; in using knowledge as the most success-
ful, they use own experience to solve new challenges, but the least is valid
that knowledge among employees is sufficient, only its use is problematic;
in the type of education, they search the most information on the Inter-
net, while the least of education was in accounting; during the education
period, they mostly attend one-day forms of training (courses, seminars),
and the least often internal education takes place within working hours.

The respondents answered regarding the organization climate accor-
ding to the degree of agreement with the written statements for each stu-
died dimension: the attitude towards quality as the most they feel respon-
sible for the quality of their work, and the least that the standard and the
quality objective are clear; innovation and initiative are the most awa-
re of the need for improvement, while as the least that they are constan-
tly improving and updating working methods; professional competence
and learning as the most that they are qualified for their work, while the
least that the system for training is good; motivation and commitment
as the most that they are ready for the extra effort when necessary, whi-
le the least that a good work result is quickly noticed and praised; inter-
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