Page 225 - Kaluža, Vojko, in Štefan Bojnec. 2019. Človeški kapital, organizacijska klima in uspešnost poslovanja turističnih agencij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 225
Summary 225

nal communication and information as the most important for their col-
leagues to talk to each other in a relaxed, friendly and equal manner, and
at the least for regular meetings; managing (delegation) of work as the
most that they are independent in their work, and the least that they do
not have command leadership; internal relations as the most trusting of
one another, and the least that conflicts are resolved for their own benefit;
knowledge of the mission, vision, goals as the most that the goals of the
tourist agency are accepted as their own, and the least that in addition to
the management other employees participate in setting goals; organizati-
on of work as the most that responsibilities are clearly defined, and the le-
ast that management makes decisions in a timely manner; belonging to
the organization as the most to speak positively about it outside the tou-
rist agency, and the least that the job is secure; career development as the
most that they are comfortable with their current personal development,
and the least that leaders raise their successors; rewarding in terms of per-
formance as the most that performance (achieving above-average work
results) is generally valued according to agreed goals and standards, and
at least that those who are more burdened with work are also properly sti-
mulated; employee satisfaction with colleagues as the most, and the least
with the amount of salary.

In terms of business performance in the period 2011–2013 versus the
period 2008–2010 (these questions were answered only by owners and
managers of travel agencies/branch offices), the answers were mixed abo-
ut revenues from sales, profits and profitability whether they declined or
increased, and the least frequently that they remained fairly the same. In
most cases, the market share on the domestic and foreign markets has not
changed significantly. The same applies to the number of employees, whi-
ch most often remained unchanged. In terms of satisfaction with profi-
tability, most of them were satisfied with the ratio between profit and
fixed capital, or between long-term liabilities, and the least with the re-
turn on invested assets, with investments being the ratio between pro-
fit and assets invested. Regarding measuring the efficiency of knowledge
use, the most frequent answer was that learning is the duty and right of
all employees, and the least that the effects of the knowledge used are mo-
nitored by different indicators.

The research has developed a structural equation model of the relati-
onship between human capital and organizational climate and their im-
pact on business performance. The structural equation model illustrates
the link between human capital and organizational climate with the per-
formance of travel agencies/branch offices. The structural equation mo-
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