Page 226 - Kaluža, Vojko, in Štefan Bojnec. 2019. Človeški kapital, organizacijska klima in uspešnost poslovanja turističnih agencij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 226
del shows that there is a correlation between the included variables of
the human capital construct and the organizational climate construct,
as well as a correlation between the variables of the human capital con-
struct and the variables of the organizational climate construct and bu-
siness performance. It is important that there is a positive mutual cau-
sality in the study included variables of the human capital construct:
knowledge transfer, marketing education, communication education,
use of knowledge in one’s own experience, time and type of education,
knowledge storage, knowledge acquisition, use of knowledge, and in the
research included variables of the organizational climate construct: inter-
nal relations, leadership (delegation) of work, belonging to the organiza-
tion, career development, employee satisfaction and rewards and profe-
ssional training and learning, which was partially confirmed by the first
226 tested hypothesis. Human capital has a positive impact on business per-
formance with the construct of business performance as the profitability,
growth and profitability of travel agencies/branch offices, and we did not
completely reject the second hypothesis. The third hypothesis that the or-
ganizational climate has a positive impact on the performance of travel
agencies was not completely rejected, and thus the base thesis cannot be
completely rejected, because the influence of factors of human capital and
organizational climate on the business performance of travel agencies/
branch offices was partially confirmed. It is important for owners/mana-
gers/heads of departments and other employees of travel agencies/branch
offices that they give special attention in the study included variables of
the construct of human capital and the construct of the organizational
climate, because based on a sample that included the entire population of
travel agencies/branch offices, the results and findings can likely be gene-
ralized to the entire population, and thus the travel agencies/branch of-
fices, taking into account the mentioned variables of the human capital
construct and the organizational climate construct, they can contribute
to the successful operation of the travel agencies/branch offices as shown
by the business performance construct.

The empirical quantitative research contributes the results and fin-
dings that are relevant for the successful business operation of travel
agencies/branch offices. The tourism industry has been developing rapi-
dly in the recent years, and tourist agencies/branch offices, in addition
to other stakeholders in the development of Slovenian tourism, they are
very important for the development of tourism in Slovenia. Therefore, to
human capital factors and organizational climate need to be given speci-
al attention.
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