Page 306 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 306
aša Dolenc Orbanić, Špela Kvas in Nives Kovač
Ramsey, D. 2002. »The Role of Music in Environmental Education: Lessons from
the Cod Fishery Crisis and the Dust Bowl Days.« Canadian Journal of Envi-
ronmental Education 7 (1): 183–198.
Royce, C. A. 2015. »Wonderful Water.« Science and Children 15 (2): 24–29.
Rutar Ilc, Z. 2019. »Ugotavljanje in presojanje dosežkov v kurikularnih poveza-
vah.« V Medpredmetne in kurikularne povezave, ur. Z. Rutar Ilc in K. Pavlič
Škerjanc, 115–134. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
Schneller, A. J., L. M. Harrison, J. Adelman in S. Post. 2019. »Outcomes of Art-
Based Environmental Education in the Hudson River Watershed.« Applied
Environmental Education and Communication. httpd://
Skribe Dimec, D. 1998. Raziskovalne škatle. Ljubljana: Modrijan.
———. 2007. »Raziskovalne škatle v prenovljenih učnih načrtih.« Naravoslovna
solnica 11 (3): 22–27.
Strgar, J. 2007. »Increasing the Interest of Students in Plants.« Journal of Biolo-
gical Education 42 (1): 19–23.
Štemberger, V. 2008. »Medpredmetno povezovanje in športna vzgoja.« Di-
dakta 18–19 (december): 39–43.
Wandersee, J. H., in E. E. Schussler. 2001. »Toward a Theory of Plant Blindness.«
Plant Science Bulletin 47 (1): 2–9.
The Use of Research Boxes Outdoors as an Example of Effective
Cross-Curricular Integration
The paper presents an example of good teaching practice through research,
in which the outdoor classroom, based on experiential learning in connection
with the use of research boxes, was implemented. The research boxes were de-
signed to enable cross-curricular teaching about water for students of the third
grade of the elementary school. The research showed that this approach was
interesting for the students as it motivated them to explore nature indepen-
dently and encouraged their creativity. Selected activities raised their aware-
ness about the importance of water and water resources, because protecting
water sources is one of the key challenges of modern society. The students also
developed different social skills, such as communication, collaboration and tol-
erance. At the same time, learning by looking at individual subject areas from
different perspectives has enabled linking knowledge with everyday life and
its holistic acquisition.
Keywords: science class, cross-curricular integration, research boxes, outdoor
learning, experiential learning
Ramsey, D. 2002. »The Role of Music in Environmental Education: Lessons from
the Cod Fishery Crisis and the Dust Bowl Days.« Canadian Journal of Envi-
ronmental Education 7 (1): 183–198.
Royce, C. A. 2015. »Wonderful Water.« Science and Children 15 (2): 24–29.
Rutar Ilc, Z. 2019. »Ugotavljanje in presojanje dosežkov v kurikularnih poveza-
vah.« V Medpredmetne in kurikularne povezave, ur. Z. Rutar Ilc in K. Pavlič
Škerjanc, 115–134. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
Schneller, A. J., L. M. Harrison, J. Adelman in S. Post. 2019. »Outcomes of Art-
Based Environmental Education in the Hudson River Watershed.« Applied
Environmental Education and Communication. httpd://
Skribe Dimec, D. 1998. Raziskovalne škatle. Ljubljana: Modrijan.
———. 2007. »Raziskovalne škatle v prenovljenih učnih načrtih.« Naravoslovna
solnica 11 (3): 22–27.
Strgar, J. 2007. »Increasing the Interest of Students in Plants.« Journal of Biolo-
gical Education 42 (1): 19–23.
Štemberger, V. 2008. »Medpredmetno povezovanje in športna vzgoja.« Di-
dakta 18–19 (december): 39–43.
Wandersee, J. H., in E. E. Schussler. 2001. »Toward a Theory of Plant Blindness.«
Plant Science Bulletin 47 (1): 2–9.
The Use of Research Boxes Outdoors as an Example of Effective
Cross-Curricular Integration
The paper presents an example of good teaching practice through research,
in which the outdoor classroom, based on experiential learning in connection
with the use of research boxes, was implemented. The research boxes were de-
signed to enable cross-curricular teaching about water for students of the third
grade of the elementary school. The research showed that this approach was
interesting for the students as it motivated them to explore nature indepen-
dently and encouraged their creativity. Selected activities raised their aware-
ness about the importance of water and water resources, because protecting
water sources is one of the key challenges of modern society. The students also
developed different social skills, such as communication, collaboration and tol-
erance. At the same time, learning by looking at individual subject areas from
different perspectives has enabled linking knowledge with everyday life and
its holistic acquisition.
Keywords: science class, cross-curricular integration, research boxes, outdoor
learning, experiential learning