Page 326 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 326
ca Ribič in Samo Fošnarič
quate tools and equipment for producing such products. Therefore, when
teaching technical content, we produce paper products that require less time
and less tools and supplies to produce. In our research we want to explore
how much students know about paper processing and various tools and ac-
cessories that are required when working with paper. Our research was based
on a sample of 36 5th grade primary school students, where we were interested
in the differences between genders. We found that girls had a higher ability
and fine motor skills than boys in correct paper processing. We also found that
students are only able to use simple and everyday processing procedures. All
this may arise a cause for concern. Fine-motor skills should be developed in all
areas of school work through cross-curricular integration. This has a significant
impact on the overall development of students and also on the development
of their cognitive abilities.
Keywords: motor skills, cross-curricular integration, manual dexterity, paper,
science and technology
quate tools and equipment for producing such products. Therefore, when
teaching technical content, we produce paper products that require less time
and less tools and supplies to produce. In our research we want to explore
how much students know about paper processing and various tools and ac-
cessories that are required when working with paper. Our research was based
on a sample of 36 5th grade primary school students, where we were interested
in the differences between genders. We found that girls had a higher ability
and fine motor skills than boys in correct paper processing. We also found that
students are only able to use simple and everyday processing procedures. All
this may arise a cause for concern. Fine-motor skills should be developed in all
areas of school work through cross-curricular integration. This has a significant
impact on the overall development of students and also on the development
of their cognitive abilities.
Keywords: motor skills, cross-curricular integration, manual dexterity, paper,
science and technology