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P. 342
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Cross-Curricular Integration as a Means to Creating Interaction Between
a Poetry Collection and an Artwork
This paper introduces a collection of poems by Andrej Rozman Roza entitled
Pesmi iz galerije (Poems from the Gallery 2018). Our key objective was to explore
the possibilities that this particular collection, which is an illustrated book in
its form, offers in terms of cross-curricular approach to teaching literature and
art. The analysis of the collection thus focuses on its particularities in both form
and content, combining poetry, reproductions of selected artworks, and infor-
mative text. The conclusions revealed that this particular book offers various
options for cross-curricular integration aimed at familiarising pupils with art-
works. The poems have been designed in a way that sheds light on the con-
text of the artwork concerned (e.g. author’s biographical data, details on time
and/or circumstances of artwork creation, importance of the artwork). The po-
ems actualise artworks and hence approximate them to the (modern young)
observer. The poem that is analysed in detail is entitled Sejalec (The Sower) and
accompanies the reproduction of the painting Sejalec (The Sower) by Ivan Gro-
har (1907). This particular example was chosen because Grohar’s The Sower is
an important part of the Slovenian cultural heritage.
Keywords: cross-curricular integration, visual arts, literature, art didactics, teach-
ing methods

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