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Researching Musical Development and the Significance of Musical
Environment for Babies
Researching musical development in babies is a special challenge, which in
the 20th century was addressed in various ways. The look at the approaches
to research from a diachronic perspective reveals a significant shift from ob-
serving one’s own children and testing in laboratories to observing musical
behaviour in natural environment. Under the influence of other sciences di-
verse responses of babies to music were interpreted as forms of musical be-
haviour rather than as response to a stimulus from the environment. Based
on the knowledge of inborn musical dispositions the knowledge about the
forms of musical behaviour changed. In the paper we therefore defend the as-
sumption that babies are great connoisseurs of music. Here we emphasize the
importance of the processes of acculturation in the family environment and
redefine some of the forms of musical behaviour of babies in relation to their
perceptual abilities and the development of musical awareness. Based on stud-
ies in American cultural environment we also conclude that in the first year of
life the baby’s responses to music and sounds cannot already be interpreted as
forms of melodic or rhythmical behaviour or linked to the ability of imitating
Keywords: research of musical development, musical development of babies,
musical dispositions, forms of musical awareness in babies

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