Page 96 - Kroflič, R., S. Rutar in B. Borota, ur. 2022. Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah: projekt SKUM. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 96
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Educational Institutions as Cultural Centres in the Local Environment
In this paper we present the key findings of a qualitative empirical study that
we conducted to find out to what extent and in what ways kindergartens and
schools collaborate with individual artists and cultural institutions in their lo-
cal environment in the organisation and delivery of various cultural and artistic
events and activities. The data was collected through a focus group interview
with SKUM project coordinators from three kindergartens, five primary schools
and five secondary schools. Although some kindergartens and schools had al-
ready been working with the local community to organise cultural and artistic
events before the project, the range of such activities (art and photography
exhibitions, events, films, celebrations of national holidays, choirs, etc.) has in-
creased during the SKUM project. Kindergartens and schools have also devel-
oped links with the media, some of which have regularly published articles and
advertised important events in local newspapers and other media such as so-
cial networks, radio, various publications, websites, TV, etc. During the SKUM
project, the awareness of the educational staff of educational institutions of
the importance of cooperating with individual artists and cultural institutions
in the organisation and implementation of cultural and artistic events and ac-
tivities in their local environment has been strengthened. The SKUM project
has brought them even closer together in terms of finding new ideas and chal-
Keywords: SKUM project, linking schools and kindergartens with artists, cul-
tural institutions and the local environment, cultural-artistic activities, school
as a cultural centre

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