Page 146 - Lepičnik Vodopivec Jurka, Mezgec Maja. Ur. 2023. Vseživljenjsko učenje odraslih za trajnostni razvoj in digitalni preboj. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 146
ona Domadenik Muren, Tjaša Redek in Maja Zalaznik
the chapter, based on insight into the thinking and behaviour of selected in-
dividuals from target groups according to the Resolution on the National Pro-
gramme of Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2022–
2030 (ReNPIO22-30), is to formulate recommendations for economic and edu-
cational policymakers who prepare incentives not only for companies but also
for individuals and designers of lifelong learning programmes.
Keywords: lifelong learning, motivation, obstacles, target groups

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