Page 208 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 208
onca Pangrčič, Maruška Željeznov Seničar in Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič
———. 1980. Uradni list Socialistične Republike Slovenije, št. 5. https://www.dlib
Zakon o osnovni šoli (ZOsn). 1996. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 12. https://
Zakon o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-UPB3). 2006. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 81.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-F). 2007.
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 102.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-H). 2011.
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 87.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-I). 2013. Ura-
dni list Republike Slovenije, št. 63.
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 2000. »Operacionalizaciji Koncepta: od-
krivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni osnovni šoli v Sloveniji.«
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Ljubljana.
Žlebnik, L. 1969. Obča zgodovina pedagogike. 4. izd. Ljubljana: Državna založba
The Social Phenomenon of Giftedness Over Time
The paper deals with the social phenomenon of giftedness over time – from
the conception of talent in antiquity to modern definitions, focusing on the
placement of giftedness in the Slovenian space. We also show in more detail
the legislative and programmatic starting points that are in force in the Slove-
nian educational space. Throughout history, we can observe different concep-
tualizations of giftedness and the influence of social attitudes and school poli-
cies towards gifted students, not ignoring the fact that empirical and theoreti-
cal findings in the field of giftedness throughout history bring new insights for
educational science and enrich inclusive educational practice. The Slovenian
educational space does not give gifted students the (too) necessary attention
and care. Since successful education and development of such students re-
quires a different learning environment and pedagogical strategies, it will be
necessary in the future to pay even more attention to introducing changes and
improving work with gifted youth.
Keywords: giftedness, conceptualization of giftedness, historical overview of
giftedness, social paradigm and responsibility, gifted children in the Republic
of Slovenia
———. 1980. Uradni list Socialistične Republike Slovenije, št. 5. https://www.dlib
Zakon o osnovni šoli (ZOsn). 1996. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 12. https://
Zakon o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-UPB3). 2006. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 81.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-F). 2007.
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 102.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-H). 2011.
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 87.
Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osnovni šoli (ZOsn-I). 2013. Ura-
dni list Republike Slovenije, št. 63.
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 2000. »Operacionalizaciji Koncepta: od-
krivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni osnovni šoli v Sloveniji.«
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Ljubljana.
Žlebnik, L. 1969. Obča zgodovina pedagogike. 4. izd. Ljubljana: Državna založba
The Social Phenomenon of Giftedness Over Time
The paper deals with the social phenomenon of giftedness over time – from
the conception of talent in antiquity to modern definitions, focusing on the
placement of giftedness in the Slovenian space. We also show in more detail
the legislative and programmatic starting points that are in force in the Slove-
nian educational space. Throughout history, we can observe different concep-
tualizations of giftedness and the influence of social attitudes and school poli-
cies towards gifted students, not ignoring the fact that empirical and theoreti-
cal findings in the field of giftedness throughout history bring new insights for
educational science and enrich inclusive educational practice. The Slovenian
educational space does not give gifted students the (too) necessary attention
and care. Since successful education and development of such students re-
quires a different learning environment and pedagogical strategies, it will be
necessary in the future to pay even more attention to introducing changes and
improving work with gifted youth.
Keywords: giftedness, conceptualization of giftedness, historical overview of
giftedness, social paradigm and responsibility, gifted children in the Republic
of Slovenia