Page 238 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 238
ja Kokol

Vršnik Perše, T. 2003. »Segregacija, integracija, inkluzija: pravica do izbire!« So-
dobna pedagogika 54 (1): 140–151.

Zakon o celostni zgodnji obravnavi predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami
(ZOPOPP). 2017. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 41. https://www.uradni-

Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (ZUOPP). 2000. Uradni list Re-
publike Slovenije, št. 54.

Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (ZUOPP-1). 2011. Uradni list
Republike Slovenije, št. 58.

Žunko, M. 2020. »Zgodnja obravnava in vključevanje otrok s posebnimi potre-
bami v redne oddelke vrtca.« Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Mariboru.

The History and Equal Educational Opportunities of Inclusion
of Children with Special Needs in Educational Institutions in Slovenia
Education of students with special needs in Slovenia dates back 180 years, but
inclusion remains problematic despite legislative changes in the 1980s and
2000s. Teachers often feel unqualified to work with students with special needs
and believe that including them in regular classrooms hinders their work with
other students. The connection between kindergartens, primary schools, and
secondary schools is inadequate, and collaboration between specialized and
regular schools is weak. Thus, equity in the Slovenian education system has
not yet been achieved, as the achievements of students with special needs are
lower than those of their peers, and there are significant differences in their
choice of secondary education. Although changes have been made in recent
years to support inclusion – such as professional centres and early interven-
tion – the shift from a medical discourse to perceiving inclusion as a general
pedagogical topic has not yet occurred.
Keywords: inclusion, special needs, teachers, equity, school system

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