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Development of Future Inclusive Pedagogues’ Competencies
in Working with Children with Autism
The significant increase in autism in recent decades is also reflected in the in-
crease in the number of children with autism in Slovenian schools and kinder-
gartens. This requires elevated sensibility in teachers to identify the educa-
tional needs of children with autism, in order to plan and implement adap-
tations in the learning process. As an expert in working with different groups
of children with special needs, the inclusive pedagogue has a particularly im-
portant role. In the context of one subject within the two-year master’s study
of Inclusive Pedagogy where autism is discussed in depth, we wanted to anal-
yse how the full-time and part-time students self-assessed their competencies
to work with children with autism before and after completion of the course.
The results show that before the completion of the course, students mostly
assess their competencies at a low and medium level, and the initial assess-
ment of competencies is influenced to the greatest extent by previous expe-
riences with children with autism. After completing the course, the students
rated their competencies higher in all areas. The results of the research indi-
cate the need for additional training of future inclusive pedagogues for the
preparation of an individualized educational programme, the implementation
of additional professional assistance and the management of undesirable be-
haviour of children with autism.
Keywords: children with autism, inclusive pedagogue, teaching, postgraduate
studies, competencies

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