Page 129 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 129

Pomen izobraževanja vzgojiteljev o medpodročnem povezovanju

                  Simpson, A.,in S.M.Linder. 2014.»An Examination ofMathematics Professi-
                     onal Development Opportunities in Child-Care Settings.« Early Childhood
                     Education Journal 42 (5): 335–342.
                  Sherrod, S. E., J. Dwyer in R. Narayan. 2009. »Developing Science and Math Inte-
                     grated Activities for Middle School Students.« International Journal of Ma-
                     thematical Education in Science and Technology 40 (2): 247–257.
                  Shoemaker, B. 1989. IntegrativeEducation:A Curriculumfor theTwenty-FirstCen-
                     tury. Eugene, OR: Oregon School Study Council.
                  Szabó, C., in A. Bollin. 2014. »Students with Practical Software Project Experi-
                     ence Perform Better at Related University Subjects: A Truth or a Myth?« V
                     2014 IEEE 12th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Techno-
                     logies and Applications (ICETA), 459–464. Stari Smokovec: Institute of Elec-
                     trical and Electronics Engineers.
                  Venville, G., J. Wallace,L. J.Rennie inJ.Malone. 1998.»TheIntegration of Sci-
                     ence, Mathematics, and Technology in a Discipline-Based Culture.« School
                     Science and Mathematics 98 (6): 294–302.
                  Volk,M.2019. Medpredmetne povezave z matematiko na razredni stopnji. Koper:
                  Volk,M., T. Štemberger,A.SilainN.Kovač,ur.2020.Medpredmetnopovezovanja:
                     potdouresničevanjavzgojno-izobraževalnihciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze
                     na Primorskem.
                  Wang, F., R. B. King,L.M.Zeng, Y. Zhuin S.O. Leung.2023. »The Research Experi-
                     ence of Postgraduate Students: A Mixed-Methods Study.« StudiesinHigher
                     Education 48 (4): 616–629.
                  Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 2022. Izhodiščazaprenovo kurikuluma za
                     vrtce. Uredile J. Cotič Pajntar, L. Marjanovič Umek in N. Zore. Ljubljana: Za-
                     vod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.

                  The Importance of Training Preschool Teachers about Interdisciplinary
                  Integration: Differences in Understanding of Interdisciplinary
                  Integration among Students
                  Interdisciplinary integration of maths and science in the pre-school years is
                  essential for the development of critical thinking and logical reasoning. The
                  successful implementation of interdisciplinary teaching requires good prepa-
                  ration on the part of the preschool teacher. The preschool teacher must have
                  a good knowledge of both mathematics and science and be able to link them
                  in a meaningful way. At the same time, they must take care that linking does
                  not impoverish either of these areas. In the existing Kindergarten Curriculum,
                  we have to find the connections ourselves, while the principle of integrating
                  cross-curricular activities is also emphasised in the proposal for the new cur-
                  riculum. The aim of the study was to find out whether there are statistically
                  significant differences between full-time and part-time students in the area of

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