Page 290 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 290

Sara Legat, Mateja Pšunder in Andreja Kozmus

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                       Inclusion and Engagement with Ukrainian students in Slovenian Primary
                       Schools from the Perspective of School Professionals
                       The war in Ukraine led to a mass emigration of Ukrainians to various countries,
                       including Slovenia, and parents began to enrol their children in schools within
                       host countries. In this paper, we present the process of inclusion of Ukrainian
                       students in Slovenian primary schools and the work undertaken with them,
                       from the perspective of school professionals. In the theoretical part, we de-
                       fine the guidelines of inclusion, while the empirical part presents the findings
                       of a qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with a randomized sample
                       of 9 teachers and 11 counsellors from primary schools with a minimum of 3
                       Ukrainian pupils enrolled during the 2022/2023 school year. We identify the
                       schools’ readiness to accommodate and work with Ukrainian students, the col-
                       laboration with their parents, and both the positive aspectsaswell asobstacles
                       encountered during this process. According to the assessment of the school
                       professionals, the inclusion occurred mostly without special preparations, the
                       schools adjusted their work, and parental collaboration was carried out in dif-
                       ferent ways. The professionals identified the development of empathy among
                       the other pupils as positive, while language barriers caused the most difficul-
                       ties in their work.
                       Keywords: elementary school, immigrant students, Ukrainian students, inclu-

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